True Colour

The colours which photographers use is always a hot topic. Presets, filters, edits etc…As photographers, the colours which we choose to use to edit, actually defines us as a brand and will also create a certain aesthetic to your wedding day photos. The one word clients tell me over and over again that they desire from their wedding photos, is ‘timeless’. Trends have changed over the years, in terms of colours and shooting styles, which therefore creates a time stamp on your photos. The concept of ‘true to colour’ to me, means that my images will be timeless as they will be liberated from the trends seen in previous years.

The one big change I made in my business in 2022 was colour. True colour was important to the way I shoot and what my clients received in their galleries. There was only ever one colour that I gravitated to but for so many years, I couldn’t seem to work out what it was. Only when I saw it achieved well, it blew me away.

In March 2022 I worked with Tom Wright after becoming frustrated with my colours…I almost had it. I could achieve it every now and then. However I wanted to achieve it every time. I wanted all my clients to have it. He worked his magic by finding out what exactly it was.

Early 2023 I began to work on my branding. Emmy Shoots was changing. Studio Arkhe pulled colours into my brand without my even telling her I needed it. I remember the moment it clicked and thought, “Dear Lord, she got me, she knows me better than I even know myself”. Jemma is an absolute genius and I’m actually shooting her wedding this year.

As you can probably tell, the colour I gravitated to all those years ago, was YELLOW.

The reason? It’s the colour of light. And cameras won’t work without light. That seems like a simple idea but trust me, it’s a difficult concept to get around when our eyes see different than a digital or an analogue camera.

Yellow is the colour of light. We see it most at sunset and sunrise…a sliver of time when the suns rays are scattered across the earth and take just that little bit longer to get to us. It doesn’t happen every morning or every evening. However when we do, it’s magic. And I’m ready to photograph it…and you…in all its glory. It’s why we call it golden.

Here’s to 2024 of being Emmylou Kelly. This is me/em.

Thank you to my wonderful team for COMPLETELY fulfilling exactly what I wanted for this shoot. Everything I imagined and more. Photographed on 35mm film.

Photographer & Design @emmylou.kelly
Florist @jacquioflorals
Planner @hiddenweddingsandevents
Venue @garthmylhall
Hmua @michelleyatesmuha
Tableware @tipplescateringhire
Vintage @hint_of_vintage_hire
Candlesticks @esteranderik
Linen @northfieldslinen
Model @jessica_crook123

Enquire with Emmylou

Turning moments into masterpieces.