There’s a belief which was instilled in me during my time at University, and that is that you should learn from scratch, everything you do. During my degree, I was taught literally how to do everything from the very beginning, including sourcing imagery for my oil painting projects, cutting my own Lino, mixing my own plaster, cutting wood to create moulds, making a canvas, developing my negatives.
This belief has followed me throughout my career, and purely because outside of Uni, I wasn’t part of a photography community like I am now. There was no one to ask….so I would just learn from my mistakes and research until I got it right…or wrong in my case. (You’ll understand once you listen.)
The reason I feel I’ve made my career a success is due to the fact that no one has told me how to do something. (Except my mentor Tom when we’re installing my hard drives on an annual basis or when he’s teaching me a new software programme…This is different. This is a service I’ve paid for with an expert which has nothing to do with taking a photo but itstead about effievnt workflow with a technology I wouldn’t have come across had I tried to figure it out myself. Thanks Tom, you’re the best).
Let’s get back on track….no one has told me how to take a photo, how to use manual shutter speed, what aperture means, how to work with clients to get the best out of them, how a wedding day flows, how to shoot film, what film cameras to buy. This list is a typical list of all the questions I get asked on a daily basis. I taught this myself my observing my peers, by coordinating weddings for a wedding venue, by experimenting in the dark with light…
I’ve earned my clients, I’ve earned my career and if you want to become a success…you had to earn it too. You have to learn your craft.
And to my clients and potential clients, I think this podcast is fantastic too get a better understanding of who exactly you’ll be working with…knowing I’m educated in what I’m doing and have a wealth of experience under my belt.
Now buckle up for the podcast with Tom Wright…If you want to hear the full episode, click here…’Shoot for Realness, Not Perfection.
Here’s a little teaser…